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Custom Data Export

Create custom data exports with templates

You can also select any fields and put them in any order with the Export Templates. Just do a search on whatever you need and click the Export Templates button.

You will then see all the fields on your left. Click on any field and it will move to the right hand column. This column will be the order that you are exporting in. If you want to move a field up or down, click on that field on the right hand column and then click on the "Move Up" or "Move Down" button.

After you have all your export fields situated and you are ready to export, you can click on the "Export"  button. A box will come up asking if you want to save your template before you export. Click "Yes" to save, or "No" to move on. Once you have made your selection, another box will appear, asking for the title of your export.

If you have a template already saved, you can just click on the "Load Template" button and it will ask you for your template. Also, if you realize that you have made an error in a template, you can remove it by clicking on the "Delete Template" button.

After you click on the EXPORT button, it will ask you to save the template for future use.


It will then prompt you to select your location for the file to be saved in


 And finally, you will be ask to create your file name.